Apply Online – Trust Registration TRUST REGISTRATION TRUSTEE INFOMATION BENEFICIARY DETAILS Email TRUST REGISTRATION Name of Trust: In what suburb and city will the initial trust assets be held? Where does the Trust intend to open its bank account once it is registered? Bank Name: Branch: FOUNDER AND TRUSTEE INFORMATION Please note that the Master requires at least one independent Trustee (i.e. at least one Trustee that is not related to the beneficiaries). Full name: Is the Founder a South African citizen? Yes No Occupation: Phone (W): Phone (H): Mobile: E-mail: Residential Address: Postal Code: Same as residential address Yes No Is the Founder also a Trustee? Yes No TRUSTEE INFOMATION Full name: Is the Trustee a South African citizen? Yes No Occupation: Phone (W): Phone (H): Mobile: E-mail: Residential Address: Postal Code: Same as residential address: Yes No Does the Trustee have knowledge and previous experience in respect of administering a trust? Yes No Additional Trustee: Yes No BENEFICIARY DETAILS Is the Beneficiary a natural person or juristic person (e.g. trust, cc, company)? Natural person Juristic person